"Golf is the closest game to the game we call life.
You get bad breaks from good shots; you get good breaks from bad shots
– but you have to play the ball where it lies." - Bobby Jones
4th Quarter SSBGC Directors Meeting Minutes – Oct. 24, 2016
Steve Hill, Chuck Devereaux, Ray Sandoval, Ted Sonju
Minutes of the August 8th 3Q Board meeting were approved as read. They will be posted on our website.
The Solvang tournament was reviewed. The consensus of the Board was that this tournament was a great success, possibly the best ever. The new ODD/EVEN format played on the Day 3 round was discussed in detail. While comments received from participants were both positive and negative, the Board concluded that most players approved, some enthusiastically. So the format is considered acceptable for use in the future as an alternative to a SCRAMBLE, possibly with a variation wherein the player does not know if he is ODD or EVEN until after the round. The number of Solvang participants was discussed. The turnout of 20 was OK, but should be better. Some regulars did not attend, but most due to special situations. The Board will continue to promote participation next year. Ray will attempt to negotiate the best deal for next year with respect to green fees and range balls.
The general lack of participation in tournaments on the part of some individual members was discussed at length, questioning just how the Board might encourage more frequent play. The subject will be brought up at General Meeting and further discussed by the Board after the renewal period in December.
Accounting & Tournaments (Ray Sandoval)
Balance currently $3930.55. Ted was reimbursed for printer ink expenses. Deposits are out to three courses on the 2017 schedule. Ray is in the process of contacting a number of courses in working toward entering into contracts for the entire 2017 schedule. We will not be playing at Victoria or Rancho San Joaquin. Royal Vista is being considered as a replacement. Due to the green punching schedule at Sycuan, our three-day tournament there will be moved to the middle of May, preempting our regular May tournament. Los Amigos is set for January. The Navy Course will be considered as a potential venue. With the above exceptions, most venues of 2016 will be the same in 2017. $5 will be added to the entry fee for Sycuan to partially offset the cost of “teebags” handed out to the individual participants.
Handicap & Membership (Chuck Devereaux)
Chuck will be distributing the Club renewal applications, with reply envelopes addressed to him, at the November tournament. The renewal form will be mailed to those not playing. The SCGA membership fee will increase by $3 for 2017. Our membership fee will increase accordingly from $53 to $56. Multiple club rebates from SCGA will be distributed in October to those individuals who had applied for them.
Special Events and Rules & Archives (Steve Hill)
Course satisfaction ratings on the part of the membership continue to be very strong, including the Green River course conditions and the banquet. The format used for the Member/Guest tournament was viewed favorably with just a couple of exceptions.
Steve requested that early arrivals at Sycuan be accommodated if promised by them.
Chairman and Communications (Ted Sonju)
Ted reported that he is continuing to update all pages of the website. We will stay with the original website editor. If a change is made in the future, it will most likely be to an entirely different host. The older tournament results are being moved from the “Recent Events” page to separate linked pages. Ted has also set a personal goal- the posting of a photo of every member on our website, this to be accomplished over the next year.
The Board is of the opinion that the number of emails from various directors and the data thereby disseminated is keeping the membership well informed.
Additional tournament formats-
Ray will research other formats to be considered for our “Team Play” tournaments.
Change in bylaws relative to number of directors and their responsibilities-
The Board determined that we will stay with requirement for five Board members. The process for obtaining nominations and encouraging members to run was discussed at length. Along with the agenda for the General Meeting, the membership will be reminded by email that nominations are completely open by and to all members in good standing. Nominations received before the General meeting will be placed on a written ballot. Nominations from the floor during the meeting will be write-in’s.
The Board will discuss distribution of duties and tasks after the new Board of the Directors has been installed in January. Ray reminded us of the need for someone to be in charge of the volunteers compiling tournament results.
Change in bylaws specifying maximum number of members-
The Board voted to present the membership with a revision changing the maximum number of members allowed from 70 to 75.
Change in bylaws relative to penalizing “no shows”-
The Board voted to present the membership with a revision changing “will be fined” to “may be fined”.
Other changes to the bylaws were discussed-
The course 6000 yard minimum requirement was discussed as to the fact that it forces the Tournament Committee to use “blue” tees in all cases where the 6000 yard criterion is not met from the “whites”, irrespective of the difficulty from the “blues”. Secondly it eliminates some local courses completely from consideration as venues (e.g. Meadowlark and Dad Miller). The Board voted to retain the 6000 yard minimum requirement.
Revising all of the “MPC” wording in the bylaws to allow for some form of stroke play was discussed with no agreement, but it was decided that a “sense for the membership” would be elicited by email.
The Board decided that no change to wording of the bylaws was required in order to allow the Tournament Committee to “assign” course handicaps to individuals as deemed appropriate by the Tournament Committee.
Changes to the wording in bylaws relative to the fact that we currently have two Club Champions rather than a “Club Champion” were discussed without agreement. Whether or not we should have two flights and details regarding seeds, etc. were also discussed with no general agreement.
Ray will hand out envelopes with his address stamped on them as soon as they are available. He will also prepare some door prizes for the December tournament. Ted will prepare the Christmas card with the printed tentative 2017 schedule for handout at the December tournament.
Ray will look into preparing or obtaining written reflections in memory of Ray Sr. and Jim DeToskey for posting to our website.
SSBGC Directors Meeting Minutes - Aug. 8, 2016
Steve Hill, Chuck Devereaux, Ray Sandoval, Ted Sonju
At the June 13th meeting, the requesting of volunteers prior to each tournament for the purpose of expeditiously and accurately tabulating results had been discussed. Ray stated that he had taken such action and the approach was working well. There were no other Old Businessitems still requiring further action.
Ted took the opportunity to review the general vision and goals that the founders had in mind when the club was formed. Of course the membership would be open to seniors available to play during the week. But possibly more important was the emphasis on learning the rules and playing by the rules. This year one tournament was played as true Match Play in order to expose members to the differences in Match Play rules vs Stoke play rules. And we took the opportunity cover how scores should and must be posted when played under either form. Another very important goal of the club was to make sure members play with a variety of other members so everyone gets to know everyone, giving the opportunity to form new friendships.
The consensus of the Board is the club is doing quite well in achieving those goals. Our current membership of 70 is the maximum allowed under our bylaws. The majority of our membership appears to be generally happy with our venues and the manner in which tournaments are run. But we must continue to strive to improve incrementally all aspects of the club functions going forward.
Ted also set a personal goal- the posting of a photo of all members on our web site.
Accounting & Tournaments (Ray Sandoval)
Ray has been working out an approach relative to commitments to courses so as to minimize incidence of paying for no-shows.
All arrangements are in place for our Member-Guest tournament and banquet. Discussion was held as to format for this tournament. The unanimous vote was to try out the “Odd/Even” for this tournament.
All arrangements for the tournament at the Alisal River Course in Solvang are virtually in place. As soon as Ray receives confirmation from the Alisal tournament director, he will send out the formal tournament announcement.
Accounting report: Petty cash: $172. Ending account balance after Oak Quarry $3900 less money owed to Recreation Park.
Handicap & Membership (Chuck Devereaux)
Chuck raised questions as to what information Board and general membership receive from the SCGA. At this point it is not clear. Chuck will look into this. Discussion was held regarding rebates for members of more than one SCGA affiliated club. Board believes that all club members have been made aware of rebate opportunities and will act in their own interests.
Chuck reported that the SCGA membership fee will increase for 2017. Our membership fee will necessarily increase accordingly.
Special Events and Rules & Archives (Steve Hill)
Steve reviewed the Tourney “Satisfaction Surveys”. He had all of the past results tabulated for Board review.
Ted submitted expense receipts for ink and paper.
Ray will arrange for trophy modifications and presentations at Green River for MPC awards consistent with current definitions of Flights.
By vote it was agreed that there would be no Tee Bags at Solvang.
Schedule and venues for 2017: Ray is working on schedules and contacting courses. Tentatively we will eliminate Victoria, replacing with Royal Vista. Rancho San Joaquin will be eliminated. Sycuan will be moved up to the middle of May due to green-punching and will become our only May event.
Discussion regarding MPC rules: Subjects- forfeits and stroke play vs match play. Board will emphasize that participants are committing up-front to play in all four matches. Also a participant must commit to accommodating his opponent in arranging for an alternate date/venue if requested. The Board will work to facilitate these arrangements.
It was agreed that MPC rules will remain as they have been in years 2015 and before, i.e modified Match Play, but with the two flights split based upon Handicap Index, not age.
Discussion regarding increase in maximum number of members- Our typical turnout of 40 players seems to be ideal. After all consideration, the Board decided to not propose a change to the membership limit in the bylaws at this time. We will take note of the turnout at Solvang and the number of members who renew in December. When that data is known, the Board may consider ways to expedite an increase in membership limits without waiting until the end of 2017.
Discussion regarding the number of directors on the Board: The bylaws specify five directors. The Board will review the bylaws regarding this issue and all other provisions in the bylaws. Each member will make recommendations for changes, if any, at the next Board meeting.
Tentative schedule for Board meetings next year will be on the second Monday of the month during the first month of each calendar quarter.
Ted and Ray agreed to work on a number of updates and improvements to SSBGC website.
One goal is to post a photo of every current member.
SSBGC Board Meeting Minutes 2nd Quarter
Meeting took place on May 2, 2016 at Victoria Golf Course.
Meeting called to order at 9:04 a.m.
Board Members in attendance – Jim Detoskey, Chuck Devereaux, Ray Sandoval, Ted Sonju
Board Members Absent – Steve Hill
I. Old Business –
A. Match Play Championship-
1. 32 players will be in match play championship 9 players
participating will not be in the Match Play.
2. Chuck Devereaux will collect $20 prize fund before tournament. Players will be competing against each other for the $20 prize. A player must be in the bets to be eligible to win CTP for his respective flight. The club will pay the CTP prize fund out of the club account since we are not collecting funds for those prizes from the members.
3. Motion made and seconded to change the name of the Flights (Divisions) from Senior and Super Senior to Champions and Masters.
Motion voted on and passed unanimously.
a. Champions Division will be the 16 golfers with the lowest handicaps and Masters will be the 16 golfers with the highest handicaps that qualify for the MPC’s.
II. New Business
A. Treasurer’s Report
1. Only outstanding bill is check due for Sycuan.
2. Still waiting to be billed from SCGA for last two members who joined (Greg Roberts & Peter Hansen).
B. Sycuan
1. Motion made and seconded to have a $400 budget for tee
gifts for Sycuan participants.
Motion voted on and passed unanimously.
2. Formats for Sycuan will be Day 1- 2-man best ball, Day 2-
Low Individual Net, Day 3 – Scramble
3. Motion made and seconded for rules on deciding Handicap and number of tee-shots per player used per team in the Scramble.
a. Handicap will use 50% of the A Player’s Handicap
and 30% of the B Player’s Handicap.
b. Each team must use a tee-shot from each team member as outlined below:
2 tee-shots on Par 3’s
1 tee-shot on Par 5’s
3 tee-shots on Par 4’s.
That leaves 6 holes where the team may choose to use any tee-shot from any team member.
Failure to use the minimum required tee-shots will result in disqualification.
Motion voted on and passed unanimously
Meeting Adjourned at 10:15
SSBGC Directors Meeting Jan. 3 (& Feb. 6), 2016- Minutes
MEETING CONVENED at Victoria Golf Course Club House- 9:04 a.m.
Board Members- Jim DeToskey, Chuck Devereaux, Steve Hill, Ray Sandoval Jr., Ted Sonju
General Member- John Nering
It was recognized that minutes of some previous Board meetings are unavailable/ unposted. As of this meeting, the Board recommitted to preparing, maintaining and posting in a timely manner the minutes of this and all future Board meetings. Responsibilities of each of the Board members were discussed and clarified relative to this commitment.
Currently the position of Chairman remains vacant.
Accounting & Tournaments – Jim DeToskey
Jim reported that the Club’s checking account stood at $5516.77. He said that there was an additional $116.00 in “petty cash”, and a total of $1656.00 on deposit with golf courses he has booked for 2016 tournaments. Outstanding liabilities at this time are comprised of the tournament fee balance to Los Amigos and SCGA membership fees, in total approximately $4000. The published 2016 Tournament venues are firm, although a few contractual documents have yet to be finalized. The rest of the Board commended Jim for a difficult and time consuming job well done.
Handicap & Membership – Chuck Devereaux
As of January 1, 2016 the club has 58 active members in good standing. Normally at the end of the year, several members do not renew. This year only four members did not renew. Two have moved out of the area, and one will almost certainly renew just a little late. And already we have 3 or 4 guests playing in January who have expressed an interest in joining us. So obviously membership remains strong. Chuck is in the process of updating all roster details in the GHIN database consistent with the latest information provided by members on their renewal forms.
Rules & Archives/ Special Events/ Entertainment - Steve Hill
Steve reported the results of recent “satisfaction surveys”. All received above average reviews with a strong majority, approving future play at each of the venues. The Fall Special Event will remain at the Alisal River Course in Solvang. However the Spring Event will move from Carlton Oaks to Sycuan. This change would be further explained in detail under New Business. Steve will continue sending his timely and informative Rules emails to the general membership.
Communications/ Tournament Announcements & Master of Ceremonies-
Ted Sonju & Ray Sandoval
It was agreed that Ted would take responsibility for posting of almost all information on the web once the board has approved it. Ted’s specific responsibilities will be that of posting the results for tournaments in a timely manner, keep the MPC standings up-to-date, post handicap indexes, tournament starter sheets and meeting minutes on the web. He noted that our web site remains a work-in- progress. We will continue to provide more pertinent information relative to club activities as soon as available, hopefully adding to the enjoyment that comes along with belonging to this club, even in the days between tournaments. (as decided per February 6th meeting).
It was also mentioned that board members check their emails for updates from Ted so information can be approved in a timely fashion. Ted, also will text or call board members to verify approval if no approval was given through an email. (as decided per February 6th meeting).
Ray will continue composing the individual tournament announcements, which he does in his own inimitable fashion. He will be emailing these and the follow-up reminders to the general membership as always in a timely manner. The Board noted that he also prepares the Big Score Sheet ahead of time, and at each tournament he compiles results on the fly immediately as score cards come in, thus announcing winners and distributing prizes as early as possible. These duties of course necessitate that he be assigned a starting hole position that maximizes the likelihood that he will be one of the first to finish. Otherwise the departure of all participants would almost certainly be delayed.
Consideration of changes to the Annual Club Championship Competition
This subject had been placed on the agenda as a result of a number of comments offered by the general membership at the close of the December tournament.
John Nering presented a written list of potential changes to the entire process by which the Club determines Club Champions. The list was well thought out and complete, presenting a number of rational individual options for consideration.
Relative to his presentation, the four primary issues clearly were these:
A) In recent years competitors for Championships have been separated into two groups based upon age- old and even older. Should we continue in this manner, or is there a more equitable way to separate the competitors into two flights?
B) The bylaws declare that club champions shall be determined by Match Play. Should this continue to be the case, or should the bylaws be changed so as to permit Championships to be achieved through some form of Stroke play?
C) In the past, eligibility to compete for Championships has been based upon a point system, rewarding participation in a tournament (10 points), plus win (5), place (3) and show (1). Obviously the primary objective of this approach has been to reward members for participating in as may tournaments as possible. Is this the best method to establish the ultimate list of 32 members permitted and committed to participation in the Championship rounds, or would some other system be better?
D) This same point system has been used to establish seeds in each flight, the participant with the most points opposed by the participant with the fewest points, etc. Usually in competitions that establish opponents by seed, the player with the strongest net performance is rewarded by being paired against the player with the weakest net performance. Our system does not necessarily achieve this because it emphasizes participation so much more than relative net scoring. Is there a better method to establish seeds, once the 32 qualifiers have been determined?
All of these issues were discussed at length:
In discussing Issue (A), the Board noted that while there was some correlation between HI and age, there also were some very significant exceptions. Rather quickly it was agreed that separating the Championship completion into two flights based upon Handicap Index rather than age was more likely to result in an enjoyable Championship series for all involved.
The board voted unanimously to adopt this new format for the 2016 MPC Championship.
Regarding Issue (B)- Match Play versus Stroke Play;
A number of valid reasons as to why Stroke Play should be considered were expressed. The primary one was that eliminations are not necessary. Those in the running stay in the running, instead of half of the field being eliminated after the first round. The primary objection to the use of Stroke play seemed to be that it might result in just a special way of accounting for results within our regular play, deemphasizing the significance of a particular round being played toward the Club Championship.
It was pointed out that our bylaws do specify that Match Play shall be the means by which the Club Champions are determined, and the use of Stroke Play would necessitate a change to the bylaws approved through a vote by the general membership. It was also noted that as a form of play, Match Play is considered just as valid and important as Stroke Play. This fact is in evidence on almost every page of the Rules of Golf, and is validated by the high level of interest in the Ryder Cup, the Presidents Cup, and numerous USGA Amateur competitions. Therefore if the Club’s mandate includes an obligation to educate members in all aspects of the game, some Match Play is of value.
On the other hand the Rules of Golf do not permit any club to conduct a Match Play tournament within a Stroke Play tournament because the rules for each form are so significantly different. Yet this is what we have been doing, in effect ignoring many of the Match Play rules, thus eliminating the educational experience of true Match Play. Even though this is a conflict the board voted unanimously to continue Match Play within a Stroke Play Tournament as we have done in the past.
Issue (C), Eligibility determination- Minimum age of 50 as of the date of the first round remains in effect. It was decided that the use of the current point system to determine the order in which members will be offered the opportunity to complete for Championships should continue, as it does accomplish the primary goal of encouraging participation in all tournaments. However it will be used to establish the entire field of 32 players without respect to flights. Once the entire field has been set, the field will then be separated in two flights based upon Handicap Index.
Issue (D), Establishing seeds- Although all Board members agreed that the established point system was right for Eligibility, and Handicap Index was the best way to split into two flights, still it was not the best way to set seeds once the fields in each flight are set. After some discussion it was agreed that the best way to establish seeds was to use average net score in our tournaments as the basis. In each flight, the player with the lowest average net score will be opposed by the player with the highest average net score. The player with the second lowest average net will be opposed by the player with the second highest average, etc.
Returning to Issue (B)- It was decided that for this year at least, Match Play would continue to determine Club Championships. But in order to bring us back into compliance with USGA Rules and to reinforce our educational goals, the tournament encompassing the first round of Championship play will be played under the rules of Match Play, not Stroke Play, by everyone. The pairing of those playing for Championships will be set as described above. For all of the other players, opponents will be set by matching players as closely as possible based upon their Handicap Index. For this one tournament, our usual method of prize distribution will be suspended. Everyone choosing to participate in prize money walks away with $40 or nothing. He wins against his opponent or he loses.
1) The $20 wager will be collected by Chuck Devereaux like in all
tournaments. (as decided per February 6th meeting).
To emphasize the educational aspect of this experiment, the Board will precede this tournament with communiques pointing out a number of the unique aspects of Match Play such as conceding putts, conceding holes, order of play, recording of strokes on each hole regardless of concessions such that scores remain valid for posting, etc.
In the subsequent three Championship tournaments, play by Championship contenders who have not been eliminated during the first round will revert back to the “Match Play Within Stroke Play” rules as in years past.
All other participants in these next three rounds will resume playing under the usual Stroke Play rules and our regular rules of prize distribution.
Because we probably will not be allowed to continue beyond 18 holes for tied matches, tie breaking rules for the first (true) Match round will be a coin flip. This method is approved by the USGA. (decided upon at Feb 6th meeting)
All ensuing rounds Tiebreakers will be done as in the past. See by-laws.
Also discussed, motion approved and seconded, was that the MPC Handicap will be current Handicap at the time the round is played. This was voted on and passed 4-1.
Steve Hill, Chuck Devereaux, Jim Detoskey, and Ted Sonju – Yes
Ray Sandoval Jr. – No (as decided per February 6th meeting)
Member/Guest Tournament
This year the second of our Special Events, the Member/Guest tournament, will take place at the Green River Golf Club in Corona on September 8. As always this tournament offers a nice opportunity to partner up with friends and maybe show off our club to potential members as well. The Board voted on a menu selection for the traditional banquet. Promises to be a very pleasant affair inside, sit-down, air conditioned, no flies, and desert.
Most Improved Golfer
The GHIN system was queried and Ray Jr. was the Most Improved Golfer for 2015.
The Board will take appropriate action.
Revisions to Rules of Golf and Handicap Manual, Effective 1/1/2016
Ray reviewed some of the more significant changes, including a more reasonable approach relative to a ball moving after address, less severe penalty for turning in a wrong score on a hole, prohibition of anchoring, and less severe approach relative to artificial devices such as multi-functional range finders. Also solo rounds shall not be posted. Ted said he would email the general membership some related internet links including a link that permits downloading the entire Rules of Golf document as a PDF file.
Spring Three-Day Resort Tournament
Jim confirmed the fact that we have a brand new location for one of the big favorites among our club events. After many years of good times at Carlton Oaks, changing circumstances led Jim to look at other venues for this event.
It looks like he has found a great one, Sycuan Golf Resort and Casino in El Cajon. Exceptional rooms, two very nice 18 hole courses, stowage of clubs at pro shop, shuttle services, several restaurants in the casino- lots of nice amenities with reasonable rates.
Ray will be sending out all of details in the initial announcement early in February. Everyone will have plenty of time to adjust plans and schedules so they won’t have to miss out on this one. Tentatively, deposits will be due around March 3, with payment-in-full due around April 14.
Board Position of Chairman (this business was conducted at FEB 6th meeting)
As per our bylaws, our club needs to have the office of Chairman filled. Jim Detoskey, volunteered and was unanimously voted Chairman of the Club. Since Jim cannot hold two offices at one time, Ray Sandoval was voted Tournament Director. Jim and Ray will work together in the future on setting up all tournaments.
Tournament Handicap Rules
Tournament Handicap rule that states that all Golfers with a 35 or 36 Handicap will not get two strokes or “pops” on holes that are Par 3’s and the 17th and 18thhandicapped holes on the golf course. They will receive one stroke or “pop”. This issue was discussed, motioned and seconded and approved unanimously by the board.
Victoria Tournament Rules
The board voted on specific rules for the Victoria Tournament in February due to poor conditions members may encounter on the course. Ted will relay these changes on the rules sheets before the tournament. (as decided per February 6thmeeting).